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January 23, 2012

Positive Side of Turnover

As difficult as it is, turnover is not always bad.  It can be an opportunity to revise an outdated position or to hire someone new with […]
January 2, 2012

Turnover: 4 Ways to Keep Key Employees

In recent months, I had several speaking engagements on the subject of turnover with hundreds of business owners in attendance.   I am not a professional speaker, so I was somewhat […]
December 29, 2011

The Scary News: Turnover

Nearly one in three workers (32%) are seriously considering leaving his or her organization, according to Mercer’s “What’s Working” survey.  Another 21% are not looking, but […]
November 23, 2011

Turnover: Musical Chairs Begin!

The game of “musical chairs” has begun as employees begin to jump ship for better employment opportunities.  The aftermath of a recession is employee disengagement.  Unfortunately, your key […]