Safari Solutions works with a select number of small businesses to add specific individuals to their teams. While we do not have the right position for every candidate, and it is not our core business to provide individualized career counseling, we do have some information you may find useful while you are searching for a new opportunity.
Job Search
Below is a list of job boards, with links, that we recommend exploring.
General Job Boards
Niche Job Boards
Dice (Technology & Engineering)
Engineering Jobs (Engineering)
The Ladders ($100k+ jobs)
CareerBank (Accounting & Finance)
Computer Jobs (Technology)
College Recruiter (New Grad)
LatPro (Hispanic & Bilingual)
VetJobs (Military Veterans)
We also recommend using Google, Yahoo, or your preferred search engine to look for available positions. Simply search titles of the position you are looking for, the location, and the word “job.”
There are many places on the internet to find tips on creating a resume. Below are links to a couple that we recommend.
Best 10 Resume Writing Services
Resume Tips and Expert Advice
Resume Organization
Professional Resume Template
There are also a number of resources for interview help. Our number #1 recommendation for all steps throughout the hiring process is to be open and honest about your skills and what you are looking for to ensure you find a good fit. Below are two links to sites that can help you prepare, so you feel more comfortable at your interviews.
I seek
Quint Careers
Interview Dos & Don’ts
Career Counseling
If you are interested in talking with a professional who can assist you in your job search as well as advancing your career to the next level, we encourage you to contact these recommended firms.